How does the Student Philanthropy (SP) team support fundraising across the University?
The Student Philanthropy team supports student organizations to achieve their mission by offering fundraising strategies and opportunities. Our team is always available to provide consultation and determine how we can best help your organization reach its fundraising goals, including presenting at your org’s meeting(s)
SP also empowers students to support causes they care about across campus, offers internships and student employment opportunities in fundraising, and acts as an advocate for students in the development community.
How can I get in contact with the SP team?
Please visit our contact page for our email, social media accounts, and to sign up for our newsletter and office hours.
How can I get involved?
Telefund, social accounts, Student Giving Council (SGC), participate in Development Summer Internship Program (DSIP), join student orgs service orgs, join our team, participate in Maize Days, and many more!
Make sure to follow us on social media @umforevergoblue to stay updated on our events and how to get involved.
What types of events can be featured on @umforevergoblue?
We love spreading the word about the amazing work our students and student organizations are doing every day! You can submit a request to be featured on our social media accounts, and we will be in touch with you.
Where can I sign-up for upcoming events?
Registration for upcoming events will be available on the Maize Days website when the forms are open.
Worried about missing the registration deadlines? Sign-up for our monthly newsletter where we will let you know when registration is open!
What is the difference between Giving Tuesday and Giving Blueday?
Giving Tuesday is an international day celebrating ‘global generosity’ by ‘unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. It is always held the Tuesday after American Thanksgiving, and the University of Michigan is just one of the thousands of organizations that participate in Giving Tuesday. A select number of projects from student organizations and schools, colleges, and units are supported by the university.
Giving Blueday is the University of Michigan’s unique day of giving. We support hundreds of student organizations and schools, colleges, and units as they raise money in a 24-hour day of giving. Giving Blueday is traditionally held in mid-March as a part of Maize Days.
How do I know if my org is a Voluntary Student Organization (VSO) or Sponsored Student Organization (SSO)? What events can we participate in if we’re a VSO vs. SSO? How do we become an SSO?
You can check your organization’s status on Maize Pages by looking up your org name and finding the Additional Information section: ‘The Center for Campus Involvement has identified this organization as a voluntary student organization / sponsored student organization.’
Both SSOs and VSOs can register for the Engaging Victors Conference and book time with the SP team to receive personalized fundraising guidance. Only SSOs can participate in Giving Tuesday and Giving Blueday.
If you are interested in becoming an SSO, the process is handled by CCI and you can read more about it here: https://campusinvolvement.umich.edu/content/sponsored-student-organization-agreement